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Logotyp LP Pressgjuteri

- SINCE 1946 -

LP Pressgjuteri is a family firm with a long tradition in die casting aluminium and zinc.


LP Pressgjuteri was founded in 1946 and has long experience in the field of die casting, specialising in aluminium and zinc parts. Our production is characterised by natural and high commitment throughout the process, from product development to finished, surface-treated, assembled product.  

Cost-effeciency, Quality, Accuracy of Delivery are our keywords and can be summarised in one - Reliability

Our knowledge of die casting and the importance of the moulding tools in production contributed to the founding of the company Vallsjö Verktyg in 1989. 

Access to Vallsjö Verktyg is a strength when we need quick service and regular maintenance of our moulding tools, this ensure security of supply and a long lifetime of the moulding tools, which in turn also leads to reliability and reduces costs for our customers.


"LP Pressgjuteri and Vallsjö Verktyg’s production is permeated with great commitment to the customer’s products. Knowledge about die casting and moulding tools is the core of our activity and leads to happy customers."


Diplom till årets företag LP Pressgjuteri

Entrepreneur of the Year 2023

2023 - We have proudly received the award for Entrepreneur of the Year 2023 in Sävsjö Municipality.

Diplom till årets företag LP Pressgjuteri

New die cast machine moving in

2022 - We are investing in a new complete die casting cell which is expected to be installed early in 2023.

Diplom till årets företag LP Pressgjuteri

New CNC milling machine - 2022

Diplom till årets företag LP Pressgjuteri

Since 1946

2021 - We have stored experience since 1946 and are now celebrating 75 years

We offer a fast, high-class production process


LP Pressgjuteri har hög produktionskapacitet


We have high capacity in our foundry, including machines with clamping forces ranging from 25 to 500 tons. 3 hot-chamber machines that make zinc parts and 5 cold-chamber machines for aluminium. Our quality system and experienced staff allow us to focus on the product throughout the production process. We produce large series as well as small ones and always work to find cost-effective solutions in the production process. We cover simple standardisations that offer high flexibility as well as detailed, fully automated vision-based cells, as required.

The continued processing of the products consists CNC processing, drilling, threading but also manual grinding, deburring, tumbling, assembly and more.

We are located in Småland’s highland between Sävsjö and Vetlanda.
You are welcome to visit us!


LP Pressgjuteri AB, Hultagård 61, 576 91 Sävsjö, Sweden
Telephone switchboard +46(0)382 - 500 90
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Link to map of Eniro  

CEO, Sales, Quality 
Telephone direct: +46(0)382 - 18 15 42
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Foundry Manager, Tools
Telephone direct: +46(0)382 - 18 15 84
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Order, logistics and planning
Telephone direct: +46(0)382 - 18 15 43
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Here is a selection of photos from our production.